
Building MLC Capacity

Pōtatau's advice

As Pōtatau Te Wherowhero, the first Maori King, was nearing death he gave Tāwhiao and his people some advice.

"I muri, kia mau ki te whakapono, kia mau ki te aroha, ki te ture. Hei aha te aha, hei aha te aha." 

After I am gone, hold fast to faith; hold fast to love; hold fast to law. Nothing else matters now – nothing.


Our whanau wellness unit, Te Puna O Te Ao Maori, focuses on building new ways to ensure whanau and hapu wellness, longevity and the continuum of cultural and customary values, responsibility, obligation and rights.

Progress, always.

Building cases for the Hague Convention.

"Ma te Ture te Ture hei aki. - Only the law can be pitched against the law” - Te Kooti, Maori Spiritual leader

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