We work alongside whanau who experience high and complex family dynamics (ELSI Rating 1-4) and require specialist services to ensure basic whanau living needs are met.
We deliver innovative whanau support services using traditional values, standards and methods.
Our Whakawhanaungatanga and tikanga based business model is valued by our clients and is reflected by the high self referral and self-driven engagement rate.
There is value in a breath for it is life itself.
The Treaty of Waitangi and Kingitanga Principles are at the heart of what drives Pombrotho Consultancy, we are whanau driven and we commit to leaving this world better than we found it.
We support our whanau members, individually and collectively, to assess and determine any and all needs so they can be met - Awhinatanga.
We develop personalised individual and collective whanau plans to enable the strengthening of our whanau members stability and development - Whanaungatanga.
We empower whanau members, individually and collectively, to realise their dreams and aspirations and enable unified decision-making and goal setting activities and execution by the whanau - Kotahitanga
We protect our whanau members, individually and collectively, while they address any and all historical issues and strengthen them while they reach a collective resolution for their whanau - Rangimarie
We engage our whanau with any and all available and buildable services, resources and funding to empower and enable self and family development and lifelong progression - Manaakitanga
We support our whanau to engage in healthy religious, spiritual, cultural and customary activities - Wairuatanga
We support and empower our individual whanau members to engage in self development activities to strengthen Te Reo, Tikanga and knowledge of Whakapapa and Pepeha - Pono
We empower our whanau to love each other and use compassion in day to day life - Aroha
We empower our whanau to
self-determine progression - leadership
self-identify and resolve issues - wisdom
self-refer to further education and enlightenment -guidance - Rangatiratanga
Our Consultants/Kaimahi/Whanau Navigators have life experience and whanau connections to the whanau members they work alongside enabling our whanau members to retain, avoid loss of and at times restore Whanau Mana.
We take guidance from Specialist Services, Legal Advisors and Government Agencies to ensure professionalism and lawful conduct.